What To Expect
I thought it would be useful to have an understanding of how I work and what the 'flow' of the appointments looks like. Hopefully, after reading this page, you will have a much better idea of what the next few steps look like and therefore whether chiropractic at Caledonian Wellness Chiropractic is for you or not!
Before I can treat you, I need to know what has been happening with your body, which areas are functioning as they should and which are not. In order to do that, I need to take a history and conduct an examination. Therefore, if you've never been to the clinic before, you will need to book either a New Patient Appointment or a Spinal Screen.
A New Patient appointment is for those that already know/feel that chiropractic is the correct path and consists of a full history, exam, report of findings and first treatment. The appointment takes approx. 1hr and there is a charge attached.
A Spinal Screen appointment is for those that aren't sure whether chiropractic is the correct path or not. It consists of a quick chat about the issue and cursory examination in order to 'triage' the problem (no treatment is given in this appointment type). If it is a chiropractic case then we move on to a New Patient appointment, but if it's not then I will do my best to advise you on your options moving forward. This appointment takes approx. 40mins and is free of charge.
Once the new patient appointment has been completed, and a management plan has been created, subsequent Treatment appointments will be 20 minutes. This allows for plenty of time for ongoing treatment, as well as the chance to go over home care advice, exercise advice and/or nutritional advice. The length of a management plan, and therefore the number of required treatments, is based on the individual case. It will evolve as we go, based on how well a patient heals i.e. the original plan may shorten if someone is a fast healer or we may need to extend it a little if someone is a slow healer. Any changes to a management plan are only done after the patient and I have discussed and agreed on a new course of action.
Spinal Screen Appointment
(Optional if not sure Chiropractic will help - 40mins)
New Patient Appointment
(Compulsary to anyone new to the clinic - 1hr)
Treatment Appointments
(Ongoing appointments based on an agreed management plan - 20mins)